Author Archives: Pat Tarantino

Facing the COVID-19 pandemic as home caregivers

SelectCare Home Care​ is honored to see our efforts highlighted so prominently in the Home Care Association of America​’s article on facing the COVID-19 pandemic as home caregivers!  

What Does Reopening Mean for Home Health Care?

Safely delivering home health care during the COVID-19 pandemic has required caregivers to rethink nearly every element of their work, from the patient intake process to a caregiver’s day-to-day commute. Fortunately, caregivers, clients and administrative staff have worked together through these difficult times to create new policies and procedures that… read more

Finding Personal Protective Equipment – Challenges and Successes

SelectCare staff saw their first glimpse of the challenges ahead on January 31st in the form of a seemingly innocent email. The agency’s regular supplier of N95 and isolation masks was already experiencing stock shortages and the shipment would be delayed by two weeks. The news was inconvenient, but the… read more