Author Archives: Pat Tarantino

Notify NYC Offers Vital Emergency Information

How To Receive Warnings When An Emergency Event Might Impact Your Neighborhood, School Or Workplace With more than 8.5 million people living in New York City, it shouldn’t come as a surprise that emergency situations like subway delays, power outages, and inclement weather can have a huge impact on our day-to-day… read more

NYC Mayor’s Office Releases Aging In Place Guide for Building Owners and Tenants

Apartment living can be a challenge at any age, but as the population of New York City continues to grow and age, it is becoming apparent to building owners and tenants alike that apartment building design needs to change to better serve its residents. To that end, the Mayor’s Office… read more

Long Distance Caregiving II: Helping a Loved One Make a Major Move

This week’s blog continues the story of SelectCare VP Carla Holub-Tarantino, her sister, Melissa, and their mother, Alice.  After the passing of Alice’s husband, the three worked together to prepare Alice for a move from California to Oklahoma, where she would be closer to her family.  To read Part I,… read more

Professional Organizers Help Seniors Enjoy Clutter-Free Lives

Now Where Did I Put That? Let’s face it; no matter how organized we try to keep our homes, clutter happens.  For many of us, that means spending a few extra minutes tracking down a missing sock or taking an unintentional walk through the past as we dig through old… read more