Author Archives: Pat Tarantino

The Importance of Long Term Care Planning

While New York City’s easy access to amenities, healthcare facilities, and public programming make it a fantastic place for older adults who plan to remain in their long-time homes, early planning remains critical to maintaining long-term independence and safety. The following blog reviews some of the key considerations older adults… read more

Video Games and Cognitive Health

Since the first home video game console reached markets in 1972, opinions on the devices have been in constant change.  Home game consoles began as expensive novelties in the 70’s and 80’s, lightning rods of controversy in the 90’s, and near-ubiquitous living room fixtures since 2000. Now, a growing body… read more

Seasonal Allergies and Older Adults

As temperatures rise and the sun stays out a little longer every day, spring and pollen are in the air. While seasonal allergies can be a nuisance for most, their symptoms can present significant risk to older adults. Why are seasonal allergies more dangerous to older adults? Seasonal allergies put… read more