Understanding Health Literacy

As we age and our medical needs become more complex, our ability to understand and follow a doctor’s directives becomes increasingly critical to our continued health.  In an effort to improve patient-provider communication and the long-term health outcomes of patients, many hospitals are refocusing their practices to improve health literacy… read more

Park Slope Senior Program Sees Fall Prevention As “A Matter of Balance”

Avoiding Injuries from Household Falls It’s a well-known fact that injuries resulting from household falls can have a major impact on the long term health of an older adult.  A recent study found that nearly 70 percent of household falls resulted in injury, a quarter of falls led to hospitalization,… read more

DOROT Offers Helpful Winter Services to Manhattan Seniors

Programs Help Manhattan Seniors in the Winter Months New York City is home to some of the country’s best senior-focused services, but mobility restrictions made worse by winter weather can make it difficult for many to access these resources. Fortunately, DOROT, a Manhattan-based nonprofit  focused on bridging generational gaps through… read more