Prescription Medication Safety

A major element of maintaining long-term independence is managing chronic (ongoing) medical conditions. Ailments like cardiovascular disease and diabetes, among many others, are often kept in check through the use of prescription medication. A recent CDC survey from 2019 found that among Americans aged 49 to 70, nearly 7 in… read more

How to Use a Walker

The ability to safely travel is a key element to maintaining independence for older adults. While there are a wide variety of assistive devices on the market, four-pointed walkers are among the most common – and most commonly misused options. This article discusses the basics of walker selection and provides… read more

A Practical Guide to Air Quality Safety

The summer season has never been particularly comfortable in New York City, however, ongoing climate change has resulted in locals managing not only muggy, humid weather, but spikes of poor air quality. This phenomenon was particularly noticeable last year in early June, when smoke from wildfires in Canada draped the… read more

How to Improve a Hospital Stay

Spending one or more nights in a hospital bed following treatment is a bucket list item most of us would rather leave unchecked, but the reality is that remaining under supervision following a surgery or other procedure can be a necessary part of the recovery process. Arriving at the hospital… read more