Emergency Preparedness Month Week 2 – Preparing Your Family

National Preparedness Month is an important chance for all of us to come together as families and communities to consider how we can better protect ourselves and others in the event of a sudden emergency. In observance of this month, we at SelectCare have dedicated all of our September blogs… read more

SelectCare Celebrates National Preparedness Month

September is National Preparedness Month, and in recognition of this important tradition, SelectCare Home Care Services will dedicate the next five weeks to sharing important emergency preparedness information and resources to our community. Because our work at SelectCare largely involves assisting older adults in their day-to-day lives, we will take… read more

For Better, For Worse: How to Cope When Young-Onset Alzheimer’s Disease Enters the Picture

The following article was provided by the Alzheimer’s Foundation of America (AFA) for the benefit of the SelectCare community and written by AFA licensed social worker Heather Saposnick. Heather has 10 years’ experience working in the geriatric field, including in nursing homes. Heather’s passion is assisting individuals and families living… read more

Cultivating a Care Partnership: How to Best Collaborate With Your Home Health Aide

Assisting Families Facing Alzheimer’s The following article was written by Heather Saposnick of the Alzheimer’s Foundation of America (AFA) for the benefit of SelectCare’s community.  To learn more about the AFA and the incredible work they perform to assist families facing Alzheimer’s, visit their website at https://www.alzfdn.org/. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hbAvTaPrPsU As a… read more

Notify NYC Offers Vital Emergency Information

How To Receive Warnings When An Emergency Event Might Impact Your Neighborhood, School Or Workplace With more than 8.5 million people living in New York City, it shouldn’t come as a surprise that emergency situations like subway delays, power outages, and inclement weather can have a huge impact on our day-to-day… read more

NYC Mayor’s Office Releases Aging In Place Guide for Building Owners and Tenants

Apartment living can be a challenge at any age, but as the population of New York City continues to grow and age, it is becoming apparent to building owners and tenants alike that apartment building design needs to change to better serve its residents. To that end, the Mayor’s Office… read more