Veteran’s Day Tributes

The SelectCare team is made up of home health care experts from all walks of life, giving us the benefits of a wide breadth of viewpoints and experiences to better serve our community. As we approach Veteran’s Day, we want to highlight members of our team who have served in… read more

Preventing Dehydration in Older Adults

Our bodies are in a constant state of change, and as we age, minor changes in our bodies’ needs can have a major impact on our lives and overall health.  One of the most important, but often-overlooked age-related changes involves an increased risk of dehydration. Read on to learn how our… read more

Summer Heat Wave Safety

Summer heat in New York City is here to stay, but with a little preparation, you don’t need to break a sweat protecting yourself or your loved ones during a heat wave.  Extreme Heat and Older Adults Extreme heat typically has a more significant effect on older adults due to… read more

Post-Pandemic Check-In

While the COVID-19 pandemic continues to impact day-to-day life, increasing vaccination rates mean many older adults feel ready to “re-enter” the world after more than a year of isolation. As families reunite, some adult children are noticing that isolation has taken a toll on the mental and physical well-being of… read more

Vacationing as a Family Caregiver

The past year has been challenging for everyone, but especially for families providing long-term care to older family members. As COVID-19 vaccinations become readily available, many families are eagerly planning their first vacations since the pandemic began, but must consider their responsibilities as family caregivers and the well-being of their… read more