Category Archives: Senior Health Care Tips

Are ‘Granny Cams’ Legal in New York?

Whether you are beginning in-home health care or moving into a senior residence, concerns around safety are incredibly common, especially for families who are new to these types of living arrangements. Long-term care relationships depend on trust, but some families appreciate the additional peace of mind provided by installing discrete… read more

National Low Vision Awareness Month

Each February, we take a moment to focus on a group often overlooked: those living with low vision.  It’s not blindness, but a spectrum of experiences where everyday tasks like reading, recognizing faces, or navigating become more challenging.  While glasses or contacts may not be enough, this doesn’t mean individuals… read more

February is American Heart Month

February isn’t just about love; it’s also American Heart Month, a time to prioritize our most vital organ. While heart disease remains the leading cause of death in the U.S., the good news is that a significant portion of it is preventable. This year, the American Heart Association’s theme is… read more

Winter Skin Care for Older Adults

As we age, our bodies naturally undergo significant changes that alter how we sense and interact with the world around us. While changes to our skin are often looked at as an aesthetic concern, the body’s skin plays a critical role in protecting us from germs and infection. This is… read more

Safe Apartment Storage for Seniors

For many older adults, remaining in a long-time home or apartment is a key part of their ideal aging plan. Familiar settings can provide a sense of security while also providing practical benefits like longstanding ties to neighbors in their community and familiarity with local businesses. While it’s often beneficial… read more

Hearing Loss Among Older Adults

As we age, our bodies undergo natural changes that can impact how we interact with the world around us. Age-related hearing loss, known as presbycusis, is a gradual loss of hearing that limits a person’s ability to hear noises, especially those of a higher pitch.  While this challenge is quite… read more