How to Manage Seasonal Allergies as an Older Adult

As the days become longer and temperatures begin to climb, spring is very much in the air. Unfortunately for those with sensitivity to seasonal allergies, this means pollen and other irritants are also making a return. Read on to learn how to best nip seasonal allergy symptoms and triggers in the bud. Suffering from Allergies

What are Seasonal Allergies?

Seasonal allergies often present themselves as a mix of sneezing, coughing, watery eyes, a post-nasal drip, a runny or stuffy nose, or throat irritation. They are most commonly caused by exposure to pollen from grass, weeds, and trees, but can also be caused by dust mites and certain mold spores that may be present inside a home.

These symptoms are caused by your own body’s immune system overreacting to airborne allergens, which are usually most prevalent in the spring and fall seasons.

While mild seasonal allergy symptoms are a nuisance, the strain allergy symptoms put on an older adults cardiovascular system and overall energy levels can potentially exacerbate other chronic medical conditions. Furthermore, the loss of energy and general hassles presented by seasonal allergies can force older adults to opt out of excursions for social events, medical appointments, and errands, creating an increased risk of social isolation.

How to Manage Seasonal Allergies

One effective strategy to reduce seasonal allergy symptoms is to reduce your exposure to allergens.

  • Stay indoors on dry, windy days, as this is when pollen is most prevalent in the air. If you plan to spend a significant amount of time outside, the 12-24 hours after a rain shower provides a window when most outdoor allergens are at their lowest.
  • Avoid performing landscaping/gardening tasks like pulling weeds or mowing a lawn, as these activities put additional allergens into the air. Also be mindful of parks and gardens that have recently had work done.
  • When returning home, remove your clothing for washing, take a shower to remove allergens from your skin, and switch into a clean set of clothing.

In order to minimize exposure to allergens, stay informed on pollen levels and plan accordingly.

  • Most weather services now include a local pollen forecast, which estimates the number of allergy-inducing particulates in the air. Check this stat as part of your morning routine to better plan your day.
  • If pollen levels are elevated, but you need to leave your home, consider using a face mask to better filter the air you are breathing.
  • If you see a forecast for elevated pollen levels, consider taking over-the-counter (OTC) allergy medication before you begin experiencing symptoms.
  • Allergen levels are highest in the morning, so scheduling appointments for later in the day can greatly reduce your exposure.

Due to the natural flow of air, heightened levels of pollen, dust, and mold outside often translates to higher levels of allergens inside your home, so taking steps to lower indoor allergens is key.

  • During periods of higher pollen levels, consider closing your doors and windows and relying on air conditioning to bring fresh, more filtered air into your home.
  • Drier indoor air can make it harder for allergens to circulate, so using a dehumidifier can help improve air quality. Keep in mind that if the air is too dry, it can irritate your throat and nasal passages, so monitor your symptoms and be ready to turn off the dehumidifier if needed.
  • Consider purchasing a high efficiency particulate air (HEPA) purifier and learn if a similar HEPA filter can be installed in your homes air conditioner unit.
  • Allergens can rest dormant on hard floors or rugs, but regular cleanings with a HEPA filtered vacuum can reduce this load.

Despite strong prevention methods like those listed above, extremely high levels of allergens might make experiencing symptoms unavoidable. While there are many OTC medications that can help manage symptoms, it is critical to discuss your options with your primary care physician to determine which OTC options will work best given your specific health conditions.

If you have tried the above strategies and are still experiencing allergy symptoms, it might be time to speak with your doctor about running tests to see what specific allergen is triggering your reactions. While this process can take time, knowing the exact elements that trigger your response can make it much easier to develop a mitigation strategy.

If seasonal allergies, illness, or other challenges are preventing you or a loved one from living life to the fullest, now might be the time to contact SelectCare. Our dedicated team of home health caregivers have helped New Yorkers live happier, healthier lives for nearly 40 years, providing in-home assistance and clinical supervision with personalized care plans tailored for each clients specific needs.

To learn more about how SelectCare helps, call SelectCare today, request a free in-home care guide, or read firsthand client experiences on our testimonial page.